About Us

The Marshman Foundation is an independent research and development organisation with a focus on evidence-based program design, development and evaluation for programs that deliver personal leadership, wellbeing and lifelong success.

We rely on a best-practice intervention development framework to guide all of our design and a robust measurement framework to demonstrate outcomes. It means that every aspect of our work is planned and driven by theoretical underpinnings and scientific evidence. Our program concepts and tools are designed to help younger people navigate the complexities of the modern world in a manner that leads to wellbeing and success using cognitive-behaviour approaches, neuroscience, motivation, social learning theory, and positive psychology.

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About us

Over 40 years of ongoing continuous improvement, informed through our results and research, drives an iterative design process to ensure our programs remain contemporary and relevant to meet the needs of young people. Our success is also backed by 25 years of successful delivery to more than 14,500 adolescents and young people who are disadvantaged, disengaged, and at-risk.

Marshman Foundation is concerned with program integrity and program fidelity meaning that all of the programs we develop and endorse are firmly rooted in the latest evidence base of what works in prevention and early intervention for young people (program integrity) and that the delivery of services remains faithful to the model of best practice (program fidelity).

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