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Whilst every effort has been taken to ensure that the information contained on the site is researched and updated from a wide range of resources, it is a reflection of the views of Marshman Foundation. Its purpose is for personal and/or educational use only and is provided in good faith without any implied or express warranty. Marshman Foundation gives no guarantee as to the accuracy or currency of any individual items on the site.

Marshman Foundation accepts no responsibility for any loss or damage whatsoever caused by the use or reliance of any information contained on the site nor from any access to the site. Access to and use of the site are at the risk of the user.

Marshman Foundation has referenced certain linked material on the Thrive site as a service to the users of the thrive site. This service does not mean that Marshman Foundation endorses those linked sites or material on those sites in any way. Marshman Foundation is not responsible for the use of a hypertext link for which a commercial charge may apply. The onus of responsibility rests with the user for any charges that their use may incur.