Case Study: Glenelg Football Club

One for the footy fans. Notice a few AFL legends among this crowd?

Last night we had the pleasure of graduating our second cohort of Glenelg Football Club players through our Thrive@Life program.

Sharing the outcomes with the players and the club via our internationally recognised measures, plus hearing participant stories of what they have learnt and implemented in their own lives through the online learning platform, group workshops, 1:1 coaching, and high profile mentors, makes us think we may have the best job in the world.

- These players saw a statistically significant increase in mental wellbeing with a medium to large effect size.

- 100% reported taking more accountability in their lives.

- 100% have increased their confidence.

- 93% have better time management and organisation skills.

- 86% have developed their negotiation skills. In fact, one participant shared that she negotiated a pay rise AND a reduction in hours worked to support her in juggling competing priorities and her own wellbeing. Pretty impressive.

- 100% have developed clear, specific goals and are confident in their plans to achieve them.

- 100% said they'd recommend the program to others, keeping our Net Promoter Score at 100.

Congratulations to the Glenelg Football Club and Justin Scripps for investing in your players, and for the way that is translating to an uptick in club culture and success on the field. Many know that investing in people's personal and professional development can reap these kinds of benefits, but a special few really take action.

Congrats to Courtney Grigg and the Generation Thrive coaches on another successful program.

#Glenelg FC#Case Study#Thrive Leadership#Thrive