Case Study: Tatiara Young Leaders Group

The Tatiara region can look forward to a Thriving future with 22 emerging leaders from across the community graduating from our 12 week Personal Leadership & coaching program earlier this month.

Encouraged and promoted by the Tatiara Business Associationwith a significant nod to the importance of investing in their future leaders to be at their best across all areas of their life.

Participating businesses included Tatiara District Council, Bordertown Pumps & Refrigeration, Tatiara Truck & Trailers, All Custom Engineering Fabrication and Henry & Rose

Each business invested and supported their staff to participate, connecting emerging young leaders with the local community and developing their talents and skills to thrive in life and work.

Some outcomes reported included..

✔️ 89% increase in those taking more accountability and self leadership in their lives

✔️ 100% agreed to improving communication and 94% reported improving relationships

✔️ 89% feeling they have better time management & organisation skills, resulting in significant reductions in stress

✔️ 89% increase in confidence

✔️ 95% report now having clear and specific goals and strategies to achieve their success

✔️ 90% feel more confident in their critical and creative decision making skills

Congratulations to all involved, especially the participants who put in the effort to develop their personal leadership. We look forward to partnering with the community well into the future.

#Thrive Leadership#Thrive#Case Study